Vacation Bible School

July 18th – 21st , 2022 at 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Ages 3-12 years old

Older children are welcome to help!

This year we will be offering a t-shirt for each kid that is pre-registered for VBS. Donations are greatly appreciated.

If you or someone you know would be interested in helping, please reach out to Fay Ganster at 484-336-8956 or

Information about submitting PA Act 153 clearances is available for adult volunteers working with youth.

Here’s a look at what we’re covering with your kids during VBS so you can help your kids continue growing at home while VBS is happening! This VBS, your kids are memorizing the Bible verse Ephesians 3:18 (NIV), in case you want to work on them together.

SESSION 1 - July 18th

Kids hear about how even when everyone was afraid, Moses trusted God would rescue them at the Red Sea.

THE BIG IDEA: People can help my faith grow.

THE BIBLE: Exodus 14


    • What did God tell Moses to do?

    • Who are some people in your life that help you grow your faith?

SESSION 2 - July 19th

Kids hear about how Jesus used a kid’s lunch of bread and fish to feed a huge crowd!

THE BIG IDEA: My faith grows deeper when I use my gifts.

THE BIBLE: John 6:1-13


    • How did the kid use his gifts?

    • What are some gifts you have that you might use to help grow your faith?

SESSION 3 - July 20th

At Mission: Day 3, kids hear about the story of Jesus and what He did to save us.

THE BIG IDEA: My faith grows deeper when I spend time with God.

THE BIBLE: Philippians 2:5-11


  • What did Jesus do for us?

  • In what ways can you spend time with God?

SESSION 4 - July 21st

At Mission: Day 4, kids hear about how, after a few detours, Jonah went to Nineveh to tell the people about God.

THE BIG IDEA: My faith grows deeper when I share my story.

THE BIBLE: Jonah 1-3


    • If you were Jonah, how would you tell your story?

    • Who is someone you can share your story with?